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Outer shell is made of a hi-gauge two layer soft shell with athletic. Don't Call Me Back. I left the east side for a west coast beauty A girl who burned my thoughts like kisses She was down by street decree She swore she'd pull my best years out of me Fat painted lips on a live wire beauty A tangerine girl with tambourine eyes Her face was my favourite magazine Her body was my favourite book to read They say that all poets must have and unrequited love As all lovers must have thought provoking fears But holding on to you means letting go on pain Means letting go of tears Means letting go of rain Means letting go of what's not real Holding on to you I left the rough side for a seaside baby A chamomile smile that pouts on cue For every moment I breathe her sigh Her bosom contains my sweet alibi In an emotional mist she breathes in fog And breathes it out as garden flowers Why me of all the tough talking boys?

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American Pie is a film series, consisting of eight sex comedy films.

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