вторник, 4 февраля 2020 г.


Conversely, sagittal cross-sections vertical cross-sections from nose to spine provide a special view for our asymmetric or unpaired body parts. Also, unlike a real bone lab, with the VH Dissector students can study the soft tissue related to each landmark to improve understanding and retention. Used in the dissection lab, for small group discussions or as a self-study resource, the VH Dissector provides: Please complete or correct the entries in red below to ensure we have enough information to contact you. The year-old female donor remains anonymous. The powerful VH Dissector platform enables students and clinicians to rapidly and interactively investigate the entire human body through virtual dissection or assembly of body regions or systems while viewing the process as it appears in the cadaver lab or in surgery 3D and as it appears in clinical imaging 2D — all from the desktop and all under their control. There are currently efforts to repeat this project with higher resolution images but only with parts of the body instead of a cadaver. vh dissector

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Clinical Rotations The VH Dissector platform provides an interactive, always available anatomical resource for students to review and better understand clinical anatomy as they progress xissector their clinical rotations and on into residency. Please give us a call at to speak with a sales representative or let us know how to get in touch with you and a representative will get back to you right away. Views Read Edit View history.

vh dissector

Students can identify each landmark and view them from a variety of angles. January ; 0: Regional, Systemic and Radiological Anatomy. Includes the VH Dissector Pro and a 2-year subscription to product upgrades and ToLTech's online lessons for medical education including the Cadaver Dissection Guide and a growing library of clinical and imaging content.

Various projects to make the raw data more useful for educational purposes are under way. The data are supplemented by axial sections of the whole body obtained by computed tomographyaxial sections of the head and neck obtained by diwsector resonance imagingand coronal sections of the rest of the body also obtained by magnetic resonance imaging.

ToLTech - VH Dissector for Medical Education

This layout allows you to see everything the VH Dissector has to offer with all 3 cross-sectional views, the 3D view and the lesson area. The project is run by the U. It provides a great way to explore three-dimensional anatomy, however, first time users should probably start with a simpler layout such as the "classic layout" illustrated below. This is the classic VH Dissector window layout from v4, however, in v5 the cross-sectional view presented can be switched between transverse, coronal or sagittal.

ToLTech - VH Dissector Pro

Please complete or correct the entries in red below to ensure we have enough information to contact you. At the prompting of a prison chaplain he had agreed to donate his body for scientific research or medical use, without knowing about the Visible Human Project. Step-by-Step Dissection Instructions Dissections are organized regionally and each dissection starts with an overview of the anatomical features of the area along with key concepts such as muscle function, innervation and blood supply.

Click to Enlarge Screenshots. In business more than a decade, Touch of Life Technologies collaborates with professional medical societies, educators and practicing professionals to create and test next-generation tools to educate and train a wide range of healthcare professionals and students.

The Visible Human Project: The male was also not "cut" while in standard anatomical positionso the cuts through his arms are oblique. Human anatomy Anatomical simulation Anatomy websites. Buy Now Contact Us. One of the most notable statements came from the University of Vienna which demanded that the images be withdrawn disaector reference to the point that the dissextor profession should have no association with executions, and that the donor's informed consent could be scrutinised.

Dissecto male cadaver is from Joseph Paul Jernigana year-old Texas murderer who was executed by lethal injection on August 5, The male cadaver was encased and frozen in a gelatin and water mixture in order to stabilize the specimen for cutting. Small blood vessels were collapsed by the freezing process. The female cadaver was cut into slices at.

vh dissector

Using the VH Dissector they can study clinical skills in an anatomical context, review key anatomical concepts for surgical procedures and better understand MRI, CT and Ultrasound clinical imaging. The 3D layout is ideal for situations where the cross-sectional anatomy does not significantly impact the anatomical presentation or when it is desirable to increase the height of the lesson area.

By simply centering an anatomical structure or point of interest in the crosshairs, that structure is immediately brought to center in all three cross-sectional views transverse, coronal and sagittal and precisely located in the three dimensional view. Thank you for your interest in our products. Thank you for contacting us, your message has been sent to our sales team and someone will be contacting you shortly.

VH Dissector Pro

Touch of Life Technologies is a medical education company that develops and sells interactive software and medical procedure simulators. The year-old female donor remains anonymous. This resource allows students to study this necessary information outside of class in a virtual environment, wherever and whenever they want. The male data set was used in "Project The interactive nature of the software and correlated cross-sectional views enable students to ask and resolve their own questions, as they come up.

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